HoWe LuEn / ReGinA
30th August 1988
SomeoNe who lOve to EaT, ReaD, LisTen tO musIc, & TraVel
>> SeE the WorLD!!
CheE YuaN
> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
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> June 2007
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> February 2008
> March 2008
> August 2008
If I talk to someone from perhaps my former church - FCBC, about Campus Crusade..
I guess the first expression of most people e.s.p my leaders will be: "HUH!!! No-No."
And I'm not surprised.
Campus Crusade has placed an important part in my walk with God..
- when everything else fails in church, leaders not playing their functional roles etc.
IT was crusade that brought me back to the presence of God..
IT has taught me the principles of the bible..
And the fellowship with fellow brothers & sisters in Christ contributed to my growth..
Going on mission trip was coOl toO!!
Through mission trips, we link up with christians from various polytechnics, shared our passion for God's wOrks, and laboured at our destinated country. It was the experiences we shared that tied us together in the house of God..
It was through the love and concern for one & other that we learned and grew..
Who says christians should be discouraged to be involved?
What do you think of when you see the above picture? B-G-R? haHa. I am not surpirse..! One of my favourite verse in bible, book of Psalm 27: 4, In reading this verse, and revised reading it.. I just felt refreshed in God's presence. The Love, Peace and Joy in the Lord's house is indeed the most joyous moment of anyone's life. The love of God is just amazing! You've got to experience it yourself!! L-O-V-E,
Even personally there are so many times that I too, felt love could only happen between guys & girls.. Yet, there are so much more to the definition of LOVE. It could be purely between friends, within family members and much more - GoD.
"One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to glaze upon the beauty of the Lord, and to seek him at his temple."
it's a word of so much more...