ShE's BEautiFul

HoWe LuEn / ReGinA

30th August 1988


A yOung LaDy filLed with GoD's LoVe, aNd TrUSt in the LoRD.

SomeoNe who lOve to EaT, ReaD, LisTen tO musIc, & TraVel >> SeE the WorLD!!

Her Desires

FoR tHe GoSPel to reAch the enDs of this eArth, seEing people of vaRious Tribes & TonGue worship HiM

By HEr Side - My Lover

CheE YuaN

Lost in HeR beauty


Lost Memories

> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> June 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> February 2008
> March 2008
> August 2008
HeR LiTTle CoRner

Name :
Web URL :
Message :
:) :( :D :p :(( :)) :x

Her Dream

Travel Around the World

Further my education in Switzerland

Married at age of 25

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Friday, July 27

"Hey, I've family dinner, got to go.."

Each time I hear this, I went LOL & would laugh at my friend: "Family Guy!"..
It had never once strike me: hey, what about you? Do you ever had one?
But this thought come to my mind suddenly, and I was totally speechless...
"I.. I.. I.."

I went around survying, and these are few answers I got:
"Family are people who will be with you always, even when u don't see each other often. U know that each one loves the other, and will always be there for U. U can always count on them with anything to support u even if they cannot understand u. They will tell u that u are wrong if u clearly are in the wrong. U can always tell them anything too -things u feel embrassed to tell other ppl, U can tell them. In a sense, people that u can be totally urself without any masks, ppl u can trust and love.."

"Having a family to me means that there is always someone at home who will support me in whatever problems or troubles i face. Even though if i am not close to my family compared to my close friends in sch, family members is still one of the few ppl whom i think will support and care for me even if i have lost all my friends. "

"Family = something you care for, and takes up ownership.. A commitment, a blessing, and one that enable you to humble down in all circumstances :)"

Family, what an interesting word....

-Sign Off @ Friday, July 27, 2007 :)