ShE's BEautiFul

HoWe LuEn / ReGinA

30th August 1988


A yOung LaDy filLed with GoD's LoVe, aNd TrUSt in the LoRD.

SomeoNe who lOve to EaT, ReaD, LisTen tO musIc, & TraVel >> SeE the WorLD!!

Her Desires

FoR tHe GoSPel to reAch the enDs of this eArth, seEing people of vaRious Tribes & TonGue worship HiM

By HEr Side - My Lover

CheE YuaN

Lost in HeR beauty


Lost Memories

> February 2007
> March 2007
> April 2007
> May 2007
> June 2007
> July 2007
> August 2007
> September 2007
> February 2008
> March 2008
> August 2008
HeR LiTTle CoRner

Name :
Web URL :
Message :
:) :( :D :p :(( :)) :x

Her Dream

Travel Around the World

Further my education in Switzerland

Married at age of 25

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No problem is too big that God cannot solve. . .
Monday, March 3

Recently, I had been seeking God in visions & dreams for my life as I enter this cross road. I had to laught at my sillyness as all my answers points back to God, alone.

Who am I? - My identity. What am I to do? - My purpose.
"Seek first the kingdom of God, and all things will be added onto you".
Truely, I am the child of God and I am to do the will of the father.

God's faithfulness can be evident through Sann's salvation yesterday - 2 March '08. Sann is a friend whom I knew through Singapore Polytechnic International Students Club (SPISC) BBQ. Before BBQ, that day I asked God for someone whom I may share with. God lead me to Sann, nevertheless she left unbelieved.

Few months back, again I invited her to Shi Qi's cellgroup (which I was involved in) yet she still left with a close heart. Though disappointed, this time with F.I.R's performance, I invited her to my church - City Harvest. Finally God spoke, and she accepted Christ!!

It has been amazing how God leads, spoke and worked. Truely, his words never fails; he is a faithful God. Faith & a Serventhood heart is all that I need for the life ahead of me. I am trusting God for my career & my future boyfriend - he will provide!

-Sign Off @ Monday, March 03, 2008 :)